Monday, September 21, 2009

Drowning in German

I've spent the last week speaking nothing but German, and my brain is fried. I brought several French classic novels with me as well as Jack Kerouac, and I devour them every day I am so starved for English.

I like taking photos, really I like collecting objects with the photos that I take. So far I`ve collected a lot of weird signs and Germans with dogs. The weirder the dog, the more value to my collection. Everyday life can be boring, no matter what country you live in. I wake up late, like the true artist I am, and usually entertain myself with the Rhine River sometime during the day. Each day is dedicated to something, wether going to the modern German art gallery or visiting a friend for dinner. The best day so far was going to the carnival, I couldn`t stop taking pictures. This German keyboard is driving me nuts, I keep hitting ö, ä, and ü by mistake, and the y is in the wrong place. So bye, for now, until I get home. A place where I can buy medicine and know what it is, and understand how expensive everything that I buy is.

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