Friday, November 13, 2009

Driving Around Town

Last night as I was driving through an intersection in good old Albuquerque, when this beat up Subaru looking car was acting weird. I thought maybe he was just driving a standard that was making his car jerk, but slowed down so that he wasn't next to me. A few seconds later, he purposely swerved into my lane to hit the new blue pickup in front of me, then speed off. The blue truck threw on it's breaks, then speed off after the guy when he realized that he wasn't stopping. I almost hit the blue pickup, and the car behind me almost hit me. He could have hit me just as easily as the truck in front of me, and even though I have full coverage on my car, I don't want the hassle of fixing my baby. I turned around, the road rage looked like it was getting bad in front of me as the pickup was chasing him. It made me think of the road rage recently on the news with the National Guardsman killing someone else. I didn't want to drive behind a flipping pickup or anything like that.

This morning on the way to work, there was a homeless guy standing on the corner for handouts, and usually I don't pay much attention to them anymore. This one though was wearing his camouflage army fatigues, there was a dog wrapped up in a blanket next to him sleeping, and a huge green army bag beside them. I don't think a homeless guy would go to the trouble of finding a uniform and a army bag. I don't know where he's been, what war he has fought, or why he is on the street, but it was heartbreaking to see a military man on the street. Does our government not help out those who defend our country? Or is this man faking it and playing on our sympathies? My dad got a free meal at Applebees this Veteran's day, and gets all the free health care he can handle. He marched in the Veteran's Day parade with the kids he teaches in his military school. He was a Marine, and officer in Vietnam. He was the guy who watched the radar screen and told planes when they could land, and has never spoken one word about his time there, I've only heard stories from Mom. He does have a blue suitcase though, full of stuff from Vietnam, including what looks like shrapnel.

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